Letter From Leukemia Society| Letter From Autism Society| Tournament Information| Walk-on Players| Poultry Days Festival| Itinerary| Tournament Start Times| Versailles| Weather |
Welcome to Versailles| Respect the Town| Chickens & Tigers Don't Mix| Versailles Village| Versailles Police Departmant |
Respect statement from the tournament directors RESPECT Respect (ri spekt’) vt [<L. re-, back + specere, look at] 1. to feel or show honor or esteem for 2. to show consideration for — n. 1. to honor or esteem 2. consideration; regard —respect’ful adj. re-spect’fully adv. From the Tournament Directors: As usual, with the cooperation of the Poultry Days committee and the other fine folks involved with the event, we can camp on the fields, have bands in the “social” tent, showers in the school, and the “goo” on the best barbecue chicken ever knownst to man, women, or beast. After the ugly spirit of a few in 1994 we had to police the bunch of ya a lot stricter the past few years. Things have gone better but, we don’t want to be the baby-sitters again. Please read the definition at the top of the page. Remember these words throughout the weekend. The community of Versailles has been very tolerant of our tournament, HOWEVER, we (the tournament directors) will not tolerate disrespect towards the citizens of Versailles. There are many new families living in homes surrounding Heritage Park. All we ask is that you respect them, their property, and their peace and quiet. If this respect isn’t exhibited, this tournament could cease to exist. We will not hesitate to ask you and your team to leave if you are associated with any type of disrespect (and you won’t be invited back!!!). Remember, it only takes a few to ruin a good thing. Now on a positive note, we would like to thank all the participants who continue to help this tournament run smoothly and successfully! Good Luck to all teams, please have FUN and come back again. We here at Poultry Days pride ourselves on the sport and we leave a very big impression on those who come to watch us play, “without referees”! We never wish to see “game observers” (referees) here in Versailles and we can continue that achievement with your help. The Spirit of the Game shall not perish here! Thanks. Your tournament directors are Dan, Mark, Dale, Wade, Chad, John, Rob & their better halves. If you don’t yell at them they’ll probably help you in any way they possibly can! Good Day |